
The Birthday Assistant

You never want to forget your Client’s birthday.

Maybe you want to send them an email or a greeting card, or you might want to call them.

Whatever the case, you certainly don’t want to forget their special day. The Birthday Assistant can help. 

You have two choices in tracking your Contact’s birthday. You can track everyone’s birthday or just a select group.

If you want to track a select group, first create a Flag called Birthday, like this. 

Then tell the Birthday Assistant only to look for contacts with that Flag. You can actually use any Flag, I just like to use a special Birthday Flag.

Here is where you tell you the system when you want the Birthday Assistant to run. And Here is where you tell the system what to do.

You can have the Birthday Assistant set a reminder for you, a to-do in case you want to send out a greeting card or make that special call. 

Or you can have the Birthday Assistant automatically send an email, This would be an email that you’ve already set up in your Email Template library. 

Once you have everything set just the way you like it, click save and you’re done.

Your Birthday Assistant is now on the job.

Now for all my Clients that have a Birthday Flag on their account, they will get a Happy Birthday email from me on their birthday, all done automatically by the Birthday Assistant.


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