File Attachments
Did you know you can add File Attachments to Contact Records?
Here are some examples: a PDF, a Word document, an audio file, maybe you want to store a contract, or an application, or any other kind of document that applies to this contact.
This can really come in handy because you can access that document from the road, from home or from the office.
Here’s how you attach the file.
From the contact record, click on Attachments, choose the file from your computer.
The file we’re going to attach is “Brown Application”.
So we’ll click “upload selected file” and there we have it.
The attachments tab will list all of the Attachments here for this Contact Record.
These attachments are all stored in the cloud, so if you want to download it later, you would just click here on the attachment, and it will download to your computer.
And if you ever want to delete it, just click on the Delete icon here.
You can have as many Attachments as you need for each Contact Record.