Beautiful Responsive Email Templates
There are lots of great looking email templates built right into the system.
These templates are responsive in design; meaning they will look great when viewed on a desktop and also look great when viewed on a mobile device.
Here’s how to design your own email templates.
Go to settings, then email templates.
These are the email templates you have already created.
If you want to use one of your existing templates, a smart way to go is to first copy your template.. then make your edits and changes on the copy.
That way, you will still have your original template unaltered.
Let’s take one of our existing templates and make a few changes.
I’ll make my changes and then save it as a new template.
Now I can use this template for Email Blasts, I can add it to a Workflow, or I can add it to one of my Autoresponder Campaigns.
In that example, we started with a template I had already built.
Let’s do that again, but this time, we’ll start from scratch.
From this screen, instead of selecting a template we have already created, we’ll select ‘add email template’.
Here are some great samples of emails already formatted.
Browse through these samples and find the one you want to use as your starting point.
Let’s use this one, and we’ll make some changes.
In the Content Designer you will see the template on the left and the content design elements on the right, under these 3 tabs.
From here I can make changes to this template… like this.
When you have the template just the way you want it, you should preview it to see what it’s going to look like on both desktops and mobile devices.
Then make sure all of your changes have been saved, and click here.
This screen will allow you to change the name of the template, add your subject line, add your intelligent links and more.