Add a Team Member

Learn how to add a Team Members.

In this video I’m going to walk you through how to add a Team Member. 

To make any edits or additions to your team go to settings, account Settings, and then Team Settings.

At the top on the left you’ll click on the button that says, Add Team Member.

Here you’re gonna fill out basic information: name, initial, email, and color that will represent this team member. 

Next we are going to set the permissions for this team member 

There are two options here, Sharing Templates with the team that would be Email Templates and Letter Templates, and can Group Edit and Group Delete.

Let’s look at sharing templates first.

Here in the account owners Settings if you click email templates you’re going to see this column here with a button that allows you to share so, as the Account Owner or as anybody who has that option, you can allow that person to have this column and to be able to share their templates. 

Now let’s look at the second permission option: Having the ability to Group Edit and Group Delete,  if you give a team member the ability to Group Delete, here in client touch they could, essentially, add all of the Contacts in your database, click here and then delete them all.

Another thing they can do with this permission is go into group edit. Here they would be able to change the Source Category, Category 2 and Flags for that group of clients, so be mindful when you give this permission out. 

Let’s go back and finish adding our new team member. After we click Next we’re going to choose the type of team member that this person will become. 

There are 4 choices. There is the Administrator, the Team Player, the Independent User, and the Power User. Let’s go through each one of those. 

The Administrator is just like the Team Leader, they share all the Contacts and they have access to most all of the Settings, this would be a perfect option for a close partnership 

A Team Player will share the Contacts and deals with the Team Leader, but the Team Player does not have access to all the Settings and cannot make any system changes, like an Administrator can. 

An Independent User will also have limited access to the system settings but they will have their own Contacts and their own Deals.

And finally, a Power User will have their own Contacts and Deals, more access to system Settings, and their own Automatic Settings here.

Going back to adding our new team member, we’re going to designate Kayla as an Independent User, choose a password, and that’s all there is to it. 

Kayla is officially a new member of the team and to get her started you would give her the login email and password you created so she could login and get to work.