Workflow Automation

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Set up triggers to initiate Workflows based on specific events.

  • Workflows are a powerful tool that can automate repetitive tasks and streamline your client interactions.

    By grouping multiple activities into a single sequence, you can save time and ensure consistent client experiences.

    To get to Workflows, go to Automation then Workflows.

    Here’s a simple workflow that will run when a new lead comes in.

    First we will set their category as Lead, We’ll send them the welcome email and then schedule a todo for the sales rep to give them a call.

    These tasks are all done automatically because you set up this workflow in advance. This workflow is going to make sure your leads are getting a response from you promptly.

    Here is a more involved workflow that shows emails going out over a 1 year period.

    A workflow consists of steps and pauses. Steps are actions, like sending an email or updating a contact record.

    Pauses define the time between steps.

    Workflows can perform a wide range of actions, including:

    • Updating contact records

    • Stopping other workflows and autoresponders

    • Assigning to-dos

    • Sending emails and text messages

    • And Integrating with external systems

    Here are some tips for creating time-saving workflows:

    • Keep workflows simple and focused.

    • Use clear and concise language in your steps.

    • Always test your workflows extensively before activating them.

    Workflows can be launched a few different ways.

    You can put an individual client on a workflow – like this.

    When someone fills out your form on a landing page a workflow can started right then.

    When a lead comes from an outside source you can use a workflow trigger to start a workflow.

    Workflow triggers can be found within each individual workflow, here.

    You can also trigger a workflow using the API.


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