You have worked hard to build a great email list, and you are sending regular marketing emails to that list.
But now here comes GDPR.
What the heck is GDPR?
The GDPR is a new regulation in the EU that addresses data protection and privacy for individuals within the European Union. It will take effect May 25, 2018.
If you process data that is capable of identifying an EU individual wholly or partly through automated means or manually as part of a filing system, then GDPR applies to you.
Fresh Consent
One major part of GDPR is the requirement that you get GDPR Compliant Consent before you are able to send out your marketing emails. GDPR Compliant Consent is much more involved than simply having people opt-in to your marketing lists, like in the olden days (pre May 25, 2018).
The problem here is that in most cases, you will have to go back to your lists and get new, fresh, documented, permission to continue sending them emails. And when people get an email asking if you can continue sending them more emails, they tend to ignore you, or take advantage of your offer to remove them from your list!
What you should do…NOW!
BEFORE you have to send that dreaded Fresh Consent email, asking again for permission to send emails, you should warm up your lists.
How to Warm up Your Lists
There are several ways to get your email recipients ready to say “Yes” to your Fresh Consent Email. Here are my 2 favorites:
1. Send them the good stuff!
Send them a few emails with good, valuable info about the subject matter your products and services solve. If you are a Real Estate agent, send emails with information about how to sell their house for the most money. Or how to find the best forcolsure deals before they hit the market.
Just good, valuable information – that’s it.
2. I have been remiss…
Send them an email telling them you have been remiss and have not kept in touch with them like you should. Tell them you want to do better and start sending them good emails with valuable content. Then send them a few emails using the strategy in #1 above.
Things to LEAVE OUT of your Warm Up Emails
Tell them great you are
Remind them that you have the best service
Tell them to call you for more information
Brag about your company
Mention that you have a sale going on
Remember the warm up emails are to get them to like you and to remember that you are a great source of valuable information. Leave the fluff out.
When to start this campaign
Now. Today. This minute.
More on GDPR
Stay tuned for more information on GDPR. AllClients will be fully compliant with GDPR by May 25, 2018. We will also be bringing our customers new features and functionality to help THEM also comply with this new and complex regulation.