Permission Based Email Marketing Campaigns & Email Marketing Software


Getting your emails delivered is becoming quite a trick these days. If you do it on your own using your own email account, you may soon find that your marketing emails are getting blocked. If you use an Email Service Provider like Constant Contact, Aweber, or MailChimp you will have to become a software guru and spend days trying to figure out how to use their “easy-to-use” software!

Do you need an email service provider?

Let’s first discuss why you may need an Email Service Provider in the first place. Email deliverability is a hot topic these days. What good is a well thought out drip email campaign if your marketing emails are not getting to the recipient?

Email service providers help you navigate the rough email waters and your emails are more likely going to get read as a result. 

So if you do any marketing emailing, you need an email service provider.

What is Permission Based Email?

As you may have guessed, permission based email marketing means that you are getting permission to send emails BEFORE you send them. While this may seem like a hassle, it is actually a good thing. You are working hard to build email campaigns for people who want to hear what you have to say. So you don’t want to send your emails to just anyone. 

In the old days, when email was a new concept, it was fun to get emails and people would generally open whatever you sent them. So marketers would buy big email lists and send out their emails with a high open rate. 

But then spammers came along and ruined it for everyone. 

Now if you get an email from someone you don’t recognize or about information you did not request, you will generally not open it. 

Permission based email is when someone opts-in to receive your emails. This usually happens when someone fills out a Landing Page with their name and email and they specifically request to hear from you.

spam rules

What are the spam rules?

You may be surprised to learn that the definition of spam is sending emails to people who have not given you permission to do so. So even if you have something you think your recipient would want, even if you have discovered the cure for cancer, even if you want to send someone a million dollars… If you send an unsolicited email to someone, you are sending spam. 

The penalties are stiff if you are caught sending spam, so it’s better to just sign up for AllClients and we’ll make sure you are doing all the right things.

AllClients Permission Based Email Marketing

In your all-in-one AllClients CRM and Marketing Automation system, a complete permission based email marketing system is included. 

The AllClients software will handle all aspects of your email marketing including getting folks to opt-in, helping them opt-out, and making sure you are compliant with all of the spamming laws. 

Use the built in landing page creator to make your own custom lead forms to attract new customers. Once they fill out that form, they will be opted-in to your email marketing campaign. Then the AllClients autoresponder email campaign software will take over and start sending out a series of pre-written emails.

With AllClients you won’t need an outside email system – it’s all built in. AllClients has permission based email marketing figured out: simple to set up, fully featured, 100% compliant, and totally automated.

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