White Label CRM Advantages

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There are so many reasons to White Label a CRM and I’ve narrowed it down to the 9 most important advantages.

White Labeling a CRM will:

#1: Help you promote your brand.

The customer is YOURS. YOU did all the hard work to get them to understand they need more marketing help. However when you can only provide the systems and strategies and not the actual software tools, your branding gets lost. 

Everyday they see the brands HubSpot, or MailChimp, or Keap, but they don’t see any of your branding. 

Wouldn’t it be better if every morning when they got into the office and turned on their computer, they saw YOUR name and YOUR branding? 

#2: Create a new revenue stream for your business.

Today you are selling information only. That’s great, except for the fact that you are leaving money on the table. 

All of your great marketing ideas require a CRM to help implement them. So your customer goes off and pays someone else for those tools. Why not be a one-stop-shop and provide everything your customer needs? Why shouldn’t that extra revenue be coming your way? 

#3: Reduce your customer churn by making your offering more sticky.

Your customers are going to be using your great marketing strategies for years to come. But that doesn’t mean they are going to be PAYING YOU for years to come!

If you are not offering a complete solution that means they are getting their technology tools from someone else. 

Once they learn everything they can from you, they really don’t need you anymore. After all, you told them to go get Salesforce… remember? Well, they did! And you can be assured they will keep paying for those tools for years to come! 

If you had your own CRM, PLUS your great systems and strategies, now you have something that is sticky and your customers are not going to want to turn off. 

#4: Allow you to get to market faster.

You know you need to provide the CRM and Marketing Tools for your customers, but how do you get from where you are today to actually providing those tools and services?

Do you build them yourself? No way! That will take forever and your end product will be less than desirable. 

White Labeling a CRM allows you to start selling a proven solution in a matter of days. 

#5: Allow you to offer the total solution.

Your customers need ALL the components that make up a great marketing solution. That means the information you provide PLUS the software tools to make it all work seamlessly. 

Why are you making it hard for them to select you and to continue to work with you moving forward? 

Give your customers what they want: A Turnkey Marketing Solution. They will gladly pay you for it – after all, you are making their lives EASIER not HARDER. 

#6: Free you up to focus on your core competencies. 

You are the very best at providing marketing information. The more you can focus on that – the better.

White Labeling a CRM is a smart way to let someone else do all the software heavy lifting, while you focus on what you do best. Let your White Label Partner focus on keeping up to date with all the latest and greatest features and functionality.  

Knowing that someone else is worrying about your CRM allows you to focus on your core competency.

#7: Help a small company look like a big company.

When you offer your own CRM and marketing tools, you look like a bigger player automatically. You may be a single entrepreneur, or a mom and pop shop, but now you look much more substantial and formattable. 

Just because you ARE small, doesn’t mean you need to look small to the outside world.

#8: Allow you to sell a proven, quality and time-tested product on day one.

One of the problems with building your own CRM or having one built for you, is that you have to deal with all the problems that come with the territory. 

When you White Label a CRM you can start selling a proven product in a few days.

#9: Keep you stress free because someone else is handling product maintenance.

When you have your own CRM, it will be someone’s full time job to keep it up and running. There are bugs and other maintenance tasks that will keep a programmer or a team of programmers very busy. 

You also want to continue to keep the product relevant and fresh. That means you need to worry about making sure you have all the features and functionality that all the other CRM’s have (or are building). 

When you go the White Label route, your CRM partner is the one worrying about all the upkeep – not you.


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