What is Responsive Email?

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Responsive email design takes its cue from responsive websites. This approach, pioneered by Ethan Marcotte in 2010, ensures that web pages adapt seamlessly to different devices. Whether you're viewing on a desktop or a mobile phone, the content adjusts to provide the best possible experience. Responsive emails follow the same principle, optimizing the layout and content for various screen sizes.

For print media, artists change the shapes and orientations of the content depending on whether it is published in a book, a newspaper, or a magazine. In a similar approach to print media, responsive designers are supposed to optimize for the output device. The content should look like it was natively created for the device.

Reasons for Using Responsive Emails

The rise of mobile: Businesses used to optimize their emails for desktop environments. The assumption was that most people use desktops to access emails. However according to Adestra, in November 2018, 62% of users checked their emails on mobile devices. However, it doesn’t make sense to target mobile-only and miss out on potential customers. So responsive email is a great solution that allows businesses to auto-change the look and feel of the emails according to the platform.

More Clicks: According to Mailchimp research, responsive designs improved mobile email clicks from 2.7% to 3.1% which is a 15% increase in actual clicks. So for businesses who are invested in email marketing, the extra clicks from responsive design can make a huge difference.

With great responsive emails, you can target mobile devices better and improve your email open rates.

Best Practices for Responsive Emails

Responsive email is not about only scaling the content to fit the screen. It’s also about customizing the content to take advantage of the available screen real estate. Responsive emails use CSS media queries to find out about the target device and produce custom-made content.

Here are some things to remember during the design process of building responsive emails:

Tip #1: Keep the design simple in a single-column layout. Complex designs make the content difficult to comprehend.

Tip #2: The call-to-action (CTA) button is the most important piece of real estate on the screen. So make sure it pops out in the designs for both desktop and mobile devices.

Tip #3: Make sure all components that are displayed on the screen are easily readable. Also, use optimized images to keep everything fast.

Tip #4: Test multiple designs to make sure your audience is enjoying the experience.

Are you looking for a great solution for responsive emails? Check out AllClients CRM Software. Our CRM software features already have responsive email templates integrated. Contact us today to learn more about building responsive emails.


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