Jumping Into Your Customer’s Head

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Have you ever wished you could get inside your customer’s head? What are they thinking? What motivates them? How can I serve them better?

After 35 years of working truly listening to my clients, I've learned a thing or two about getting inside their heads. Here's what I've discovered:

Your customer is an expert at what they do.

If your customer is in real estate, they know how to make a deal, they know the local market, and they know how to schmooze with clients. If your customer is a dentist, that individual would possess a deep understanding of oral health, they are schooled in all the latest techniques, and they know how to make all of us squirm: “So tell me… how often are you flossing?”

Your customer is comfortable in their own world and may not like to venture out much to explore new things.

We are all taught to go out and find what we are good at and what we love to do, and then do as much of that as possible—the customer is the perfect student of this philosophy. If you try to introduce something new and you haven’t first convinced them of its value, the walls instantly come up, and it’s tough to break through them.

Think about yourself. You have your favorite coffee shop, your go-to lunch spot, your trusted mechanic. We all gravitate towards the familiar and it's the same for your customers.

Your customer wants to work with experts who know their field.

You can no longer just be an “expert in marketing”. Your customer is looking for an expert in finance marketing or an expert in marketing for coaches. After all, why should they settle for a generalist when they can work with a specialist? If they don’t have to constantly educate you in what they do, a lot more can be accomplished in the same amount of time.

Your customer is willing to pay you more money.

They're busy and want a one-stop shop for their needs. They'll gladly pay more for comprehensive solutions. In fact, they often think you're undercharging!

And finally:

Your customer wishes you had more levels of service.

Offer options ranging from DIY templates and training to complete done-for-you solutions that handle everything from email marketing to social media management.

Make it your new goal to get and stay in your customers’ heads. Meet with them, talk to them on the phone, and watch them work. Ask them about their problems and challenges. Then, provide first-class solutions that your customers will not only pay you for but also thank you for.


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